Eyebrows should be shaped according to an individual's bone structure. Brow Mapping helps to create an illusion symmetry to the eyes and face.


Florentina Radu, founder of Flory Radu Brows & Beauty is a Romanian beautician who studied Psychology and early 2010 moved to Australia to follow her dreams. She always knew she was a people's person and without any English language, Florentina knew that art and beauty were the best options for her to connect with people and make them feel comfortable and beautiful. Flory believes that both the process and the final result of these services should always bring a smile to a women's face.


she has worked in the beauty industry for over 10 years. Flory started her career in makeup and soon realised that eyebrows and lashes were an area she wanted to explore further; eyebrow transformations and lash lifting is something that she has always loved to do.


In 2016, she traveled to Paris to explore the beauty industry, where she worked for an international brand. From her French experience, Flory learned that a natural look, which doesn't need artificial enhancement, is the embodiment of feminity. 


At the beginning of 2021, Florentina launched her own brow cosmetics collection; Flory Radu Brows and Beauty, to complement the treatments and extend into home-care. 

I love my work, my clients, I love to play with colours, and I love the transformation the “before” & “after”.

It offers me the possibility to make a woman feel beautiful and when you feel beautiful, you believe in yourself and you feel like you can overcome any obstacle, to conquer the world.

The secret to beauty is simple - be who you are!


- Flory Radu, founder & creative director