It is a slightly time-intensive process where, following a consultation, your eyebrows will be mapped, tinted, waxed, then tweezed. Enjoy a forehead massage before soothing lotion and brow pencil are applied. If that sounds like a lot, it’s because it is - but the results are well worth it! Tinting the eyebrows is especially handy for anyone with fair or sparser brows, as it allows your therapist to properly assess the state of your brows before the waxing process begins, creating a more cohesive look. Waxing will let your therapist create a totally bespoke, seamless shape, while tweezing will remove any stubborn stragglers. The waxing is usually quite minimal - it’s more about taking any excess bulk out of the brows, rather than slimming them down dramatically.

Service time : 30mins

Contact us for our Brow Sculpt service

Brow Sculpt